Sitting Volleyball

The sport of sitting volleyball is played while sitting on the floor, with the court being smaller, and net lower than standing volleyball. Many other aspects are similar to the standing volleyball game, with the major exceptions being

  • Court dimension is 10m x 6m
  • Net is 1.15m for men, and 1.05 for women
  • While playing the ball, the buttocks must be in contact with the floor
  • Players can block the serve
  • Positon of players is based on the players buttocks

Watch the most amazing sitting volleyball rallies ever (from the International Paralympic Committee YouTube site).

The sport can be played by people with physical impairments at the Paralympic Games if they fit into two types of classifications, VS1 and VS2. There can only be one VS2 player on the court at any moment of time. Athletes who are not classified as meeting VS1 and VS2 cannot compete in World ParaVolley sanctioned competitions. This can mean that people without physical impairments can also play the sport. Often, volleyball athletes with lower limb injuries can play sitting volleyball during their rehabilitation.