Some information about the people behind this site.

Kwok Ng (FIN), author of ‘When sitting is not Resting: Sitting Volleyball’. He was appointed the World ParaVolley Chief Historian in 2019 and led the 40-year commemorative booklet. This inspired the need to have a website to celebrate the history of Sitting Volleyball at the Paralympic Games.

Pieter Joon (NED), brought a mainly Dutch sport to an international stage. He introduced Sitting Volleyball at the 1980 Paralympics and founded an International Organization (then called the World Organisation of Volleyball for the Disabled – WOVD) in 1981. He was the WOVD President from 1981 to 2002. He was a Boardmember of the ISMGF 1979-1989, member TC ISOD and ICC/IPC, co-founder and member TC International Fund Sports Disableds. Since then, he was awarded a Royal decoration, as Honorary President of WPV and inducted into the International Volleyball Hall of Fame in the USA.

John Bestebroer (NED), started as the assistant coach of the Dutch men’s sitting volleyball team in 2006. The same year he became the head coach of the Sitting volleyball of the Dutch women’s team until the Paralympics 2008 (2006-2008). He was also the head coach of the GBR women’s team in 2010 and the Uganda men’s team in 2011. With all these teams he was as a head coach, every time reaching podium places. From 2009 until 2014 he travelled to many countries in Europe, Asia, but mostly Africa, to introduce sitting volleyball by training teams, coaches, and delivering balls, clothes, nets and other sitting volleyball materials. Since 2015 he has been doing (online) research about the sport Paravolley and the different Paravolley organisations and was advising some National Paralympic Committees. He created some Facebook pages, like ParavolleyNED and Sitting Tokyo, to promote and support the sport for a wide audience. John Bestebroer is living in Melbourne-Australia.
Website: Barbara our volunteer designer
The Logo
The Logo reflects the diversity in our Sport. All cultures and a variety of disabilities. The speed of the ball of which 5 different branches have been used since 1980.
Chosen as background. The colour represents: enthusiasm, creativity, determination, success and stimulation.