2000 Documentation

Member of Honour

The General Assembly of the W.OV.D. in  Sydney 2000 decided to honour
Mr Radu Rosenthal (ISR) and Mr David Mc Grae (GBR) with the title  of “MEMBER OF HONOUR“ thanks for their long and enthusiastic support as Referee director and as Player at “standing” Volleyball.

25 oktober 2000, the General Assembly
The key item in the meeting is the IPC’s decision to remove standing volleyball from the Paralympic program and add Women’s Sitting Volleyball to the program. Some Standing playing Countries are very angry and blame the WOVD Board. However, IPC’s decision is based on the small international Standing volleyball participation over the past 5 years.

Paralympic growth
The IPC issue reflects Paralympic growth. Carol Mushett, IPC Sport Technical Director explained: “The requirements for team sports participation in the Paralympic program are that: “at least 18 countries from three continents must participate regularly for 4 years for a Paralympic year in international championships of a sport. It has been found, after looking at official WOVD records, that Standing Volleyball does not meet these criteria and therefore cannot participate in the next Paralympic Games.”

New WOVD Officers
In Sydney the Executive and the Board members have discussed and appointed the following persons in the different offices. Changes in the Board Mr Amir Sardari has stepped down as Sport Director. On his advice the Board has appointed temporary Mr Gerard Brouwers, as his successor till the next GA 2002. Marketing Director Mr Zvika Karsh has stepped down from the Marketing Office. The Executive has not proposed to nominate a new candidate and will look into the future possibilities. Promotion & Publication 

The Executive has proposed to the Board to appoint Mr Amir Sardari temporary as Promotion & Publication Officer (till the GA 2002) and to continue his role as liaison officer between the IPC and WOVD. Mr Sardari accepted these duties and the Board agreed. Sport Department The following persons have been appointed by the Board in the different offices: Mr Gerard Brouwers – Sport Director Mr Joe Campbell – Deputy Sport Director Mr Gaby Lotan – Chairman Referee Commission (VRC) Mr Denis Le Breuilly – Chairman Rules & Regulations Commission (RRC).

2000 Sardari Sitting Volleyball Paralympic Games2000 Brouwers Sitting Volleyball Paralympic Games2000 Campbell Sitting Volleyball Paralympic Games2000 Lotan Sitting Volleyball Paralympic Games
L-R Amir Sardari – Gerard Brouwers – Joe Campbell – Gaby Lotan

Sitting Volleyball complete results Sydney 2000