Beside host country France, there are no other countries who are making their debut at the Paralympic Sitting volleyball tournament. For KAZ men team it was in 1996, 28 years ago, that they were making their debut and for only once playing on the Paralympic Games in Atlanta. The SLO women team were for the last time active at the Paralympic sitting volleyball tournament in London 2012 and will also be back in the Paralympic competition in Paris. The CHN men team are for the first time not qualified since they made their debut in 2008.
The top 7 men of the World Sitting volleyball ranking list are qualified. The other country in the Paralympic tournament is host country France, who is on this ranking list the number 23. Also in the women World Sitting volleyball ranking list, we see that the top 7 is qualified. The women team of France is on this list on the last place, 30th, but will be active in this Paralympic sitting volleyball tournament as host country
Year: 2024 Location: Paris-France Date: 28 August-8 September 2024 Total athletes: unknown for now Number of countries: unknown for now Total sports: 22 Name of the mascot: Phryge Top 5 countries: unknown for now | Edition: 12th for men SV – 5th for women SV Period: 29 August -7 September 2024 Venue: North Paris Arena Number of teams: 8 men & 8 women Number of countries: (when women start participating in 2004) 14 countries. Host country FRA and BRA are having a men & women team in competition. |

The Paralympic Phryge takes the shape and form of a Phrygian cap. Her passion is to blaze a trail; some might say she is fearless, which might be true, but one thing is certain: she hates being bored and loves to try new things. With her mindset of being the perfect supporter, she loves promoting the values of sport, celebrating athletes in all arenas and all the Games venues and partying to celebrate victories or get over defeats. Created by Paris 2024 Design team.