List of Competition Officials
Name | NPC | Function |
ALKSNIS Ritvars | Latvia (LAT) | Linesman |
ANDERSSON Mats | Sweden (SWE) | Main Referee |
BARKER Simone | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
BARRON Jenni | Australia (AUS) | C. Committe |
BOLT Donald | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
BROUWERS Gerard | Netherlands (NED) | C. Committe |
BYRNES John | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
CAMPBELL Joe | United States of America (USA) | Main Referee |
CHAREONPONG Songsak | Thailand (THA) | Main Referee |
CHIRCHOV Stepan | Russian Federation (RUS) | Main Referee |
CLARK Lynne | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
COUZNER Barry | Australia (AUS) | C. Committe |
DANZIGER Dr. Aharon | Israel (ISR) | C. Committe |
DAVISON Andrew | Australia (AUS) | Main Referee |
FARMER Pierre | Canada (CAN) | Main Referee |
FELDSHTEYN Viktor | Ukraine (UKR) | Main Referee |
FIBRICH Maciek | Australia (AUS) | Main Referee |
FISCHER Ute Maria | Germany (GER) | Main Referee |
FOWLER Janet | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
FUCHS Elisabeth | Austria (AUT) | Main Referee |
GIBBS Mike | United States of America (USA) | Linesman |
GILLETE Jacob | United States of America (USA) | Linesman |
GIUGNI Stephen | Australia (AUS) | Main Referee |
HARRISSON Sarah | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
HELAC Senad | Bosnia & Herzegovina (BIH) | Main Referee |
HUGHES Paul | United States of America (USA) | Linesman |
JAMES Bronwyn | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
KARADI Gabor | Hungary (HUN) | Main Referee |
KHOEINI Hossein | Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) | Main Referee |
KLIEN Frits | Netherlands (NED) | C. Committe |
LENTIN Kevin | Australia (AUS) | Main Referee |
LOGAN Colin | Australia (AUS) | Main Referee |
LONGLEY Kathryn | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
LOTAN Gabriel | Israel (ISR) | Main Referee |
MEULENKAMP Martijn | Netherlands (NED) | Linesman |
McINTYRE Leisa | United States of America (USA) | Linesman |
McMAHON Jeannine | United States of America (USA) | Linesman |
MULLER Phil | Australia (AUS) | C. Committe |
NEAL Brian | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
NGUYEN Phong | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
OUVAROV Oleg | Russian Federation (RUS) | Main Referee |
PASSFIELD Karen | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
PATERSON Scott | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
PLESNIK Janko | Slovenia (SLO) | Main Referee |
PONT Juan | Spain (ESP) | C. Committe |
PROBST Anton | Germany (GER) | Main Referee |
RIERA Dr Cristina | Spain (ESP) | C. Committe |
RODGER Andrew | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
ROSENTHAL Radu | Israel (ISR) | C. Committe |
SADARI Amir | Australia (AUS) | C. Committe |
SAVELKOUL Gene | Netherlands (NED) | C. Committe |
SCHIPPER Eddy | Netherlands (NED) | Linesman |
SCHONSTEINER Jurgen | Germany (GER) | C. Committe |
SCHULBERGS Marika | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
SEKHAR Niranjan | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
SHEHATA Mohamed | SHEHATA Mohamed Egypt (EGY) | Main Referee |
SOEDERHOLM Seppo | Finland (FIN) | Main Referee |
SOLVANG Jan Otto | Norway (NOR) | Main Referee |
THINNES Roger | United States of America (USA) | Linesman |
TOOVEY Leigh | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
TORABIALAMOUTI Khesrollah | Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) | Main Referee |
TWEEDIE Catriona | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
VAN DE LOO Henricus | Netherlands (NED) | Main Referee |
WALTON Steve | Great Britain (GBR) | C. Committe |
WARR Susan | Australia (AUS) | Linesman |
WILSON Elizabeth | United States of America (USA) | Linesman |
YOE Dee | United States of America (USA) | Linesman |

Barry Couzner (AUS), the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee receives the WOVD award for the well organized Games.