The second Summer Paralympic Games, for Sitting Volleyball, in Nassau County NY shows a higher number of registrations. The 1984 Paralympics, at the time, were known as the 1984 International Games for the Disabled. They were split between New York USA, and (originally) Champaign USA. This as wish of the American Wheelchair Federation.
The Games in Champaign were canceled late for financial reasons. These Games will now be moved to Stoke Mandeville (England) in consultation with ISMGF and with financial support by the Dutch Fund NFSG.

Year: 1984 Location: New York, USA Date: 16-30 June, 1984 Total athletes: 1800 ( ? men & ? women) Number of countries: 45 Total sports: 15 Name of the mascot: Dan D. Lion Top 5 countries: ? | Edition: 2nd men Sitting Volleyball Period: 17-30 June , 1984 Venue: ? Number of teams: 8 Number of countries: 8 |
Medal | |||
Men Sitting | Gold – NED | Silver – FRG | Bronze – SWE |
Men Standing | Gold – ISR | Silver – FRG | Bronze- FRA |

The mascot for the 1984 Paralympic Games was Dan D. Lion, which was designed by an art teacher Maryanne McGrath Higgins.